Cold Hands and Cold Feet!
We have discovered that the natural intelligence of all livings is being weakened by global warming, i.e. System A and B are weakened by disturbances within the whole body temperature. We call this syndrome "COLD HANDS AND COLD FEET".

Mr. CHAAVA (Founder; Science of Body Heat & Natural Intelligence

It is the beginning of all kinds of disorders!

All biological processes for living organisms are synchronously coordinated with System A and System B of the Earth's natural intelligence. Cold Hand & Cold Feets are the first signs and begin of the human disorders.

All biological processes for living organisms are synchronously coordinated with System A and System B of the Earth's natural intelligence. The synchronous communication takes place with all livings via earth vibration frequencies. When a body is no longer in resonance with this earth frequency, body temperatures can no longer be optimally regulated at 37°C, so the brain (A System) begins to overheat and the body (B System) begins to cool down (Newton's Third Law; "The duality of forces"). This may lead to "Cold Hands and Cold Feet" syndrome and a person's Emotional Intelligence (EQ) becomes negatively affected and it can regress.

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The number of negative ions determines the HEAT in a biological system!


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When negative ions increase, HEAT increases in a body!
Individuals can continuously activate the collective WE intelligence.
When negative ions decrease, the HEAT in a body decreases!

Individuals continuously activate ME-related and self centered intelligence.

What does DIRTY Water mean...

Did you know the effect of positively charged ions on the body due to pollution of drinking water?

Too high a ratio of positively charged ions in the human body (System B) can lead to devastating consequences. Positive ions together with free radicals cause oxidation of cells in the body. The body's acidity increases, resulting in increased lactic acid production. Nervous and immune systems weaken, which can lead to premature aging. In addition, all of these processes can lead to the development of tumor and cancer cells.


How can you take precautions against Hyperacidity and Overweight with Natural Detox?


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