All biological systems have developed a Natural Intelligence by communicating in order to survive for a long time. Unfortunately, we as Homo Sapines have relied too much on technology to shape our future on earth. In doing so, we have alienated ourselves more and more from nature, especially from our personal natural intelligence. BIONICS INTELLIGENCE functions in teamwork at school and in companies by developing technology now surrounding biological systems; As has been the case so far, the opposite will gradually increase global warming. Because the organizations of the future will be very complex hybrids of people and technology!

➤ That's why we have developed a 4D Match Analysis Tool to simulate the best possible Bionics Leader for a Team.

SEE THE WHOLE, not individual problems, individual parts and symptoms!

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4D MATCH: A team leader can now be selected thru 4D Match Simulation very efficient and fast, like a radar with foresight. The Goal; Taking steps to a continuous learning organization on BIONICS thru Collective Natural Intelligence!

All team dynamics are different. Teams depend on the personalities of the members and the leadership style of the managers. However, the elements that make up a successful team are identical and are now measurable for us. With the Natural Intelligence 4D MATCH Analysis simulation based on Mr. CHAAVA's 6R Natural Intelligence Competence levels, institutions and schools can predict, like a radar, how their team leaders and educators will perform on developping BIONICS Intelligence within the Class and Teams as well as within the whole Organization.

Here, we would like to emphasize once again the vital importance of the cell communication, which are constantly orienting itself according to the information coming from its environment and changing its behavioral patterns accordingly. Therefore, team members will either feel integrated into the team or not, and therefore the performance of the entire team may be questioned.

Mr. CHAAVA's 6-R Bionics Competences. Minimalism Pyramid to achieve the best possible Maximum outcome.

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➤ List example for 2D, 3D & 4D analysis

Today's organizations are highly complex hybrids of people and technology. In biological systems, natural intelligence is constantly developed through mutation. As a result, ideas and concepts are observed for the first time in causal chains and not just under Cartesian logic. Because nature works with non-linear principles. We go far beyond traditional sustainability thinking and lead organizations to fundamental innovations and new solutions from within.

Mr. CHAAVA (Founder; Science of Body Heat & Natural Intelligence NI)

Activation of the Collective Natural Intelligence for Bionics competences in SCHOOLS.

Learning, researching and applying is a Natural Intelligence that happens very creatively and magically effortlessly in childhood and that we develop subconsciously until the age of 6 -10. It accompanies us throughout our lives and directs our consciousness in our daily decisions. For this reason, all conscious learning and practice should not be done alone and by the rote of IQ tests (1D) in childhood, rather it should be synchronized with Natural Intelligence Competence areas in 2D & 3D in Analysis in terms of classroom constellation and the Teacher.

In order to see not just individual parts but always the whole to solve complex issues by activating collective intelligence of a class to Match Bionics applications, it is important that the educator or instructor has the necessary skills for Bionis intelligence. This is why the right educator or instructor for a class is simulated in advance in a 4D MATCH analysis. Only in this way can a new culture of a continuous "learning organization" counteract with the rapid changes in the world in order to be able to continue to ensure the existence of a school as an organization.

Nurseries and primary schools are the ideal place to rapidly develop children's Natural intelligence competences. Around 200 trillion brain connections are activated during this time.
With the 2D MATCH Test, you can analyze the Natural Intelligence competencies of children and students in classrooms. 2D Team Match analyzes are performed to understand each child's competencies so that teams can work best in the classroom.
With the 3D MATCH Test for the best conformity and Match of the Teacher or the Educator for a specific class, learning can now take place quickly and sustainably through teamwork in the classroom. For this reason, it needs a Teacher and Educators that do conform and Match the best possible success competences with the studenst in a classrrom. It activates "Collective Team Intelligence" that will ensure sustainable learning and at the same time triggers students to develop their own competencies.
2D and 3D MATCH analyzes about Natural intelligence is primarily about empowering instructors, educators and students In order to see not just individual parts but always the whole. This way learning comes from within so that everyone can work with full energy to emerge a new culture of sustainability in the future. Because you can't buy culture; It will grow and develop in a self-organized and coordinated manner, like a flower.
With the 4D MATCH Test for the best conformity and Matching of Bionics Intelligence of a Teacher or a Educator for a specific class, learning through the collective activation of Natural Intelligence can have a lasting and sustainable impact on Bionics for families and groups. BIONICS Intelligence focuses in developing technology ideas and concepts in schools that surrounds biological systems in children & students teamworks; As has been the case so far, the opposite will gradually increase global warming. Because the organizations of the future will be very complex hybrids of people and technology!

➤ Click on the signs for more information.

Activation of the Collective Natural Intelligence for Bionics competences in ORGANISATIONS.

Whether every single Team member achieves its uniqueness and become a talent or a "star", depends primarily of its Natural Intelligence competences. For this reason, all conscious learning and practice should be Matched within the daily Teamwork to the Natural Intelligence Competences of the whole Team in 2D and its Teamleader by 3D in Analysis.

In order to see not just individual parts but always the whole to solve complex issues by activating Team's collective intelligence to Match Bionics application, it is important that the team leader has the necessary skills for Bionis intelligence. This is why the right team leader for a team is simulated in advance in a 4D MATCH analysis. Only in this way can a new culture of a continuous "learning organization" counteract with the rapid changes in the world in order to be able to continue to ensure the existence of an organization.

When results are not as expected, organizations often go into crisis! Instead of "crash" type meetings and searching for blame, we recommend our Team Intelligence Match method.
The success and uniqueness of an organization depends on the Natural Intelligence competencies of individual employees. That's why the Team intelligence Match test can be organized by HR based on the CV Analysis (1D).

With the 2D MATCH Test, you can analyze the Natural Intelligence competencies of every employee within a team how he/she behaves. 2D Team Match analyzes are performed to understand each Persons competencies so that teams can work best in the within an organisation.
Team natural intelligence match analysis shows us how a team is symmetrically positioned according to their Natural Intelligence competencies and to what extent they are affected by the conflict virus chain.

In the asymmetric order, each team member acts individually and in relation to himself. In other words, it is ME-centered and has a driving effect on team members.

Collective intelligence comes into play when all participants act as WE. With the 3D MATCH Test for the best conformity and Matching of the Teamleader for a specific team, dynamic processes begin to operate from the inside out as WE! As a result, the dynamics and sustainable actions of one team become attractive to all other teams, and over time the external (market/environmental) attractiveness of the company increases significantly.
2D and 3D MATCH analyzes about Natural intelligence are primarily about empowering management and employees from within so that everyone can work with full energy for the emergence of a new culture of sustainability in the future. In order to see not just individual parts but always the whole, teams and the organizations need to grow and develop itself in a self-organized and coordinated manner, like a flower. Because you can't buy culture!

BIONICS Intelligence functions in teamwork in companies by developing technology that now surrounds biological systems.
The right team leader for a specific team is simulated in advance for the best conformity and Matching of Bionics Intelligence, with a 4D MATCH analysis.

BIONICS Intelligence focuses in developing technology ideas and concepts in organizations that surrounds biological systems in employees daily teamworks; With an organization's new continuous learning culture, it is important to extend sustainability throughout the entire supply chain. As has been the case so far, the opposite will gradually increase global warming. Because the organizations of the future will be very complex hybrids of people and technology!

➤ Click on the signs for more information.

Manage Complexity and Changes with Teams built with 2D, 3D and 4D NI Matching Analysis!

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Sales, profit, and cash flow metrics are outputs. Therefore, these are poor measurements of the health of a Company. Companies, like all biological systems, have a life cycle: They are born, they grow, and if management does not know what to do to mobilize Natural Intelligence by self-organizing teams, they rapidly die in uncertain times.

Mr. CHAAVA (Founder; Science of Body Heat & Natural Intelligence NI)

As in the example illustrated by the pendulum, human generated systems can never operate simultaneously. Therefore, in conjunction with global warming, it is high time we understand biological principles through BIONICS Intelligence. Biological systems use non-linear methods that are far superior to mathematical optimization methods.

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In modern homo sapiens, human technical systems appear to be superior to the evolutionary strategies of the universe. Unfortunately, we can follow this every day in the business world and in many areas of universities. But over the ages, Nature has been developing organizational forms, material diversity, process engineering and construction strategies that are far more advanced than man's existing management systems and technology products. When we try to understand anything on its own, we find that it is connected to everything else on the basis of Natural Intelligence.

Mr. CHAAVA (Founder; Science of Body Heat & Natural Intelligence NI)


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