Life depends on Natural Intelligence!

When confronted with the Native American tradition in the mid-1990s, I marveled at the complementarity between Western logic and the "global thinking" (everything is in everything) of the sages there. In other words, understanding sequential causes and effects seems to provide some level of understanding of the world because the causal chains are complex. This complexity has to do with the "butterfly effect" (Lorenz). We cannot calculate complex systems like nature with our Cartesian logic, because butterfly effects over causality quickly expand to non-linearly. However, biological systems have developed numerous solutions through this "butterfly effect" which can also be applied to human systems.

Mr. CHAAVA (Founder; Science of Body Heat & Natural Intelligence

What a beautiful world! With a population of 8 billion people, we are currently using resources that are three times the size of the world! Unfortunately, we have passed the point of no return. I would be happy to talk to you about how we don't have to work against nature from now on thanks to Natural Intelligence.

Mr. CHAAVA's short CV

(Founder; Science of Body Heat & Natural Intelligence
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Academic Career

  • BBA, MBA (CityU)
  • Instructor at CityUniversity of Seattle: *Sustainable Lean & Oper. Management
  • Campus Director at CityUniversity of Seattle:
  • 1998-2002
  • 2007-2010

Subsequent Research and Applications:

  • Bio-Cybernetics
  • Astrophysics
  • Biology
  • Pharmacognosy
  • Electromagnetic Hypersensivitity
  • Biological Cellular Frequency Fields
  • Bionics (Biology & Technics)
Three scientific foundations to our work on Natural Intelligence:
  1. Knowledge Base: Science of Body Heat (I0 = E0)
  2. Analysis: Natural Intelligence (I0 = E0)
  3. Application: Bionics Intelligence (I0 = E0)

Nationality: SWISS

Around 30 years ago, Mr. Chaava helped to develop the scientific principles of BioCybernetics and expanded them to other areas.


In 2011, Mr. Chaava developed the scientific application SCIENCE OF BODY HEAT (I0 = E0), based on BioCybernetics. It verifies that a biological resilience system, i.e. a biological body of a person, an animal or a plant within the vegetation, arises from a System A and system B and does not consist of only one system as conventionally assumed.


In 2017, all field research and testing related to System A and B was completed. Various MFT Water granulate sets were then developed, which support the natural resilience system of humans and animals with different mineral frequencies in order to keep the body temperature constant.


In 2019, Natural Intelligence Match analysis were completed. Subsequently, personal match protocols were created based on a mucosa removal or a handwriting sample written in pencil. NATURAL INTELLIGENCE MATCH is a great tool for pair matching, job matching and in child matching and it is incredibly helpful to make the right decisions or to make corrections on the path already taken, without negatively impacting natural intelligence competences.


In 2023, Team Intelligence and Bionics Intelligence methods were launched for teams in schools and organizations concerned with the application of biological principles to human systems. Because the organizations of the future will be very complex hybrids of people and technology! Therefore, Natural Intelligence Match Analysis have been developed for sustainable and efficient solutions for tomorrow's winners.


Three scientific foundations to our work on Natural Intelligence:


Knowledge base

It is about the optimum thermoregulation of systems A and B, so that a Living being can best implement its biological Resilience and Uniqueness with Natural Intelligence.



Team Intelligence Matching test analyzes team members' access, use and further development of "Collective Natural Intelligence" competencies.



It mobilizes the collective intelligence of a team in applying nature's evolutionary, biological solutions to human systems with the help of Bionics Intelligence.

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The whole world is warning about global warming! Yes that is right and true. Natural immunity has to do with heat regulation. Therefore, this principle for the immunity of biological systems applies: if it gets hot above, it gets cools down below. With the rapid warming of the atmosphere, the Ice Age will become a reality faster than we can imagine. The transition to this ice age begins with heat waves and frequent thunderstorms, temperature fluctuations and floods and develops into more frequent earthquakes and tsunamis. Through this events, sun rays penetrate less and less into the earth's atmosphere, the ground temperature begins to drop below zero degrees Celsius, which leads to permafrost in the ground. This is the beginning of the Ice Age.

Mr. CHAAVA (Founder; Science of Body Heat & Natural Intelligence

"Are we copying now nature out of desperation?"
Guest speaker and Expert for Natural Intelligence
Mr. Chaava Erinmez

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New World depends on Natural Intelligence!
Based on bio-cybernetics, that is, systems that rapidly self-organize and have biological resilience in plants, animals and humans, it is "NATURAL INTELLIGENCE" that defines the common denominator for a long and healthy life on the earth's surface.

Mr. CHAAVA (Founder; Science of Body Heat & Natural Intelligence

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