In System A & B science, Thermotaxis means "ORDER THROUGH HEAT" in a biological Body.
Thermotaxis determines the alignment of environmental *Factors and targets the orientation of all LIVINGS. It is a non-linear process but it gives us an indication of how it develops in an biological body.
*Factors: Phototaxsis, Anemotaxsis, Audiotaxis and Chemotaxis.
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*Resilience= The capacity of biological systems to respond to disruption or damage by resisting and quickly renewing themselves. In other words, in a chaos-based order, being able to adapt to mutual temperature differences.
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In other words, not a single cell in an organism touches each other. Therefore, we assume that Information is the real fundamental substance of the universe and all available information is tangible to any biological structure at every point of the universe. Due to the collective natural intelligence information field, all biological systems can be rebuilt very quickly after a "chaos" and return to their own form, shape and energy by attracting negative ions through the gravitational force and constantly producing HEAT; this is not a linear process. In other words; from the Natural Intelligence information field, it directs the Biological *Resilience of a system.
*Resilience= The capacity of biological systems to respond to disruption or damage by resisting and quickly renewing themselves. In other words, in a chaos-based order, biological cells are able to adapt to mutual temperature differences thru its own independent thermoregulation system.